Growing Curious

Our Journey Through the 2024 Seasons

This year we've sought to power meaningful change while remaining grounded in relationships and respect. Each cycle has brought its own harvest of learning and been strengthened by the generosity of those who've shared their stories, dreams, and knowledge. Through this weaving of innovation and tradition, art and action, technology and human connection, we've seen how transformative change takes root when we create space for diverse voices to lead the way.

A year of ACTion

This timeline captures our journey through the fields we've tended, the partnerships we've grown, and the stories we've gathered. It's a testament to the power of listening deeply, leaning into curiosity, and taking purposeful action. Through projects like ReKindle, Goods., and SMART Stories, we've witnessed how careful cultivation of ideas can bloom into transformative change.

January 4th
Confit and BG Fit in Mount Isa

Against the backdrop of community challenges, we saw how the G Code - Grounded, Goals, and Gratitude - could be enriched by deep cultural knowledge and connection to Country. It was a humble reminder that true transformation emerges when we create space for different ways of knowing and being to flourish together.

These precious days planted seeds of possibility that continue to grow, nurtured by the wisdom of community and the power of authentic connection.

“Being able to show Confit the beautiful country we have out here is deadly. It’s great to share our knowledge of culture, hunting, fishing, and camping, and seeing how they bring their stories and mentorship to connect with our young people.”​​

Brodie Germaine, BG Fit

January 28th
The ACT lab commences

In the gentle warmth of a Queensland summer, we began transforming an old shipping container into what would become The ACT Lab - a space where ideas take root and wisdom finds fertile ground.

The container, once used for transporting goods across oceans, will one day hold conversations that traverse landscapes of possibility.

February 4th
PRF fellowship application (later turns into Justice co-lab)

From a seed of possibility (a no thank you) planted in a fellowship application, Justice Co-lab has grown into something far more profound than we first imagined. What began as a response to the Paul Ramsay Foundation's call for innovation has blossomed into a vision for transformative change in youth justice, deeply rooted in community wisdom and lived experience. Like tendrils reaching through rich soil, our initial ideas about digital innovation and storytelling have intertwined with the strength of grassroots leadership and cultural knowledge, creating something more resilient and authentic than any single organisation could cultivate alone.

February 12th
Conversation Camp #1 ⛺

Like the living tables we built together, each conversation created sturdy platforms for future growth while remaining flexible enough to adapt and evolve. The traditional yarning circles and knowledge-sharing naturally flowed into discussions about June's Patch and community wellbeing, reminding us that the most powerful solutions emerge when we slow down enough to listen - to each other, to the land, and to the wisdom that surfaces when we make space for genuine connection. As participants departed, they carried with them not just ideas and plans, but a renewed appreciation for how nature's rhythms can guide our work in creating more nurturing spaces for healing and growth.

"Being here has reminded us how essential it is to break free from our usual ways of thinking. When we step away from our silos and into nature, we create space for new connections and possibilities to emerge."

Vicki, Researcher

February 14th
DAD.LAB #1 at Black Cockatoo Valley

14 Dads descended on Black Cockatoo Valley for the inaugural Dad.lab. We look forward to welcoming some more dads onto the farm in 2025.

February 28th
Last session happens for Kickin It at Acmena Detention Centre

A pleasure to work with the team at Deadly Science and the profound young people as we create STEM kits. We worked alongside 6 young people over 3 months to develop kits that will soon travel into all Youth Detention Centres across Queensland.

March 1st
The SMART Stories campaign comes to life

One coffee and a powerful conversation with SMART Recovery CEO April Long has turned into an impactful six months for A Curious Tractor. At this stage of the story we are full of excitement and discovery in what might become with this SMART stories campaign.


recovery (rĭ-kŭv′ə-rē) n. pl. recoveries

[From Old French recovrer "to get back, restore," from Latin recuperare "to recover, regain, reclaim"]
Related words:
recover (v.)
recovering (adj.)
recoverable (adj.)

March 5th
🚀 con-nected v.01
Last session with the student from ANU for Con-nected

For about six months I was lucky enough to be supported by The Snow Foundation to look into some digital engagement ideas for the Drug and Alcohol Sentencing Court in Canberra. Six amazing students from ANU coded, designed and scaled a platform and we had a tonne of fun along the way.

March 6th
A visit to Worldview

Worldview is an inspirational program in the ACT that supports young Indigenous people at risk of the youth justice system  into employment. They have recently scaled to Brisbane and you can check them out in the link below.

April 6th
BK visits Diagrama, Spain

For BK, this was the most fundamental shift in his thinking about youth detention. There is a model that exists that support young people where they are in life, has high expectations on them and sends them back into the community with a better chance of success...and it's on its way to Australia.

"You need to stop thinking so much about security and fear, when you break the barrier to approach the kids and you see that deep down they are kids with needs change happens'.

Javier Aparicio Grau, Murcia farm

March 13th
Brodie’s Reintegration Puzzle abstract accepted
April 23rd
The confessional and the treacher are finished
May 6th
Westpac Fellows at The Farm

 A powerful group of changemakers descended on the farm to share their Westpac journey and continue to support each other on the next phase of their impact.

May 15th
QLD gives grant and photo finalist - 15th may

Massive thanks to Qld Gives for supporting A Curious Tractor with a $30,000 grant for June's patch. And for picking the Confit / BG Fit collab piccie to be a finalist in the photo comp.

Super awkward for this fulla below...thanks Nic for letting me stand on stage for 20 mins...sometimes its not great that your business starts with A :)

June 7th
June’s Patch building

Sitting on the side of the road about 30 mins out from the farm. The troopy was broken down, the battery wont charge but we had many close friends there to save the day.

We finally arrive and spend a powerful few days getting the June's Patch shed ready. Many hands made light work and we were again blown away by the power of community.

June 20th
Reintegration Puzzle talk // Gold Phone launch

The ACT gets its first run at the Justice Reform Initiative led conference. 80 people with lived experience gained a scholarship to attend making a powerful few days.

Brodie made his first ever keynote and had the large crowd tearing up and roaring with laughter with his small town country vibes and deep conversations about his work with young people in Mount Isa.

Read about the and listen to the messages
June 27th
SMART Directors Filming

An incredible start to this campaign listening to the SMART Directors talk about the passion for this work and the history of the organisation. Check out the little making of vid of SMART Stories below.

July 2nd
BK visits Kalgoorlie for the first time

This was BK's first ever trip to Kalgoorlie where he strikes up a close friendship with Orange Sky driver Phillip. He also meets Walter who will become a very important part of the Goods story.

July 16th
AMP Spark intensive - Beechworth Prison

What a wicked time we had inspiring each other through our passions, building relations and driving each other forward. Especially proud of Brodie giving his all at his first intensive away from home.

July 18th
ReKindle on ABC
learn more about rekindle

ReKindle, with its holistic and collaborative approach, seeks to break the cycle of reoffending by providing mentorship, cultural connection, and diverse job opportunities for young people transitioning out of detention. The program's success lies in its community-driven efforts and the dedicated individuals leading it.

Sep 7th
BK Touring Uluru to Darwin with AIME
Learn more about AIME here

From Mutitjulu to Darwin AIME brought Imagination to communities and schools. Through performance to magic to slack lines we gave a little bit of energy to communities that miss out on so much. We continue to be inspired by Jack Manning Bancroft and his troop of relational experts as they work to bring Indigenous Systems Thinking into our modern systems.

September 24th
Time on Stradbroke with Minjerribah Moorgumpin (Elders-In-Council) Aboriginal Corporation
Learn more about Minjerribah Moorgumpin (Elders-In-Council) Aboriginal Corporation

Our first meeting with Minjerribah Moorgumpin (Elders-In-Council) Aboriginal Corporation with Brodie on the call. They are working on deep partnerships and we are privileged to be working through protocol and working through relationships in the right way. We will be doing some filming in January and can't wait to spend more time on this beautiful island.

October 2nd
Goods. Kalgoorlie trip
Learn more about goods.

Our first trip where we meet Gloria and reconnect with Walter. This experience was a fundamental turning point in the roll out of the Greate Bed and moreso, a huge period of learning for us.

October 20th
June Canavan Foundation Board meeting at the farm
Learn more about the June Canavan Foundation

We had a great few days hosting the June Canavan Foundation at the farm. Inspiration and aspiration flowed as we witnessed their strategy and plans to help so many amazing groups. A massive thank you for support us and continuing to make a huge impact on this world.

November 3rd
Goods. first trip to Bwgcolman, Great Palm Island
Read 'at the speed of ceremony'

Our first trip to Bwgcolman with a Goods. focus. Yea we made beds and yes we got feedback for the future. But, the main thing we take away is our learning and respect for being taught how to move at the speed of ceremony and our connection with the increible MingaMinga Rangers.

November 20th
Mount Isa CAMPFIRE kick off
watch the abc story on brodie

BK travelled to Mount Isa as Brodie works on his 2025 plan for three camps on country. Whilst there he introduced me to the community he loves and respects. I will never forget my time sitting deeply talking with Elders, Traditional Owners and young people. are going to have one hell of a 2025. I am proud of you bro!

November 28th
AMP Spark Fellowship final event and pitch in Sydney
Read more about all the fellows

The AMP Spark tomorrow maker cohort descended on Sydney and even though we were there to pitch we stood as one supporting each other. There can be only one winner and we were pumped for our hero Brodie Germaine to take the prize. Such a privilege to share this six months with incredible humans.

November 29th
SMART Recovery 20th Anniversary event and SMART Stories exhibition event
Read more about smart stories

What a world class organisation this is. We have had a wicked ride working on SMART Stories. Seeing 7 days of recovery so raw and authentically has changed us in so many ways and we look forward to a long strong partnering with SMART and the amazing CEO April Long. Congratulations of an amazing event and a bumper year of outcomes.

December 5th
Bimberi ReSOLEution and Confit
Read more about ReSOLUEution

Through patient observation and deep listening at Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, young people's connection to sneaker culture sparked a journey of creative possibility, where their designs now carry stories of hope beyond institutional walls - reminding us that transformation begins when we honour young people's vision for their own futures.

December 10th
Second Youth Justice Inquiry AI tool launch

🔍 What we Built: An interactive platform where you can:Filter submissionsRead quick summariesExplore key themesCompare perspectives [My favourite insight: Check out the comparison between the Youth Justice Minister's Charter Letter and the submissions]

Visit the qld YJ inquiry tool
December 16th
Back on Bwgcolman
Read about our final ACT trip of 2024

These are the moments that reveal the true heart of Bwgcolman. Not just young people growing up, but cultural knowledge flowing forward like water finding its path home. In their easy laughter, in the way they read this landscape without needing words, in their natural understanding of protocols that have guided this place since creation, we see the living proof that culture doesn't just survive - it regenerates, it strengthens, it finds new ways to shine through young eyes.

As we look back across the landscape of this remarkable year, we see more than just milestones and achievements - we see a tapestry of connections woven through every project, every conversation, and every shared moment around our metaphorical campfire. From the first seedlings of ideas in our Lab to the abundant harvests of community-led initiatives, each season has taught us valuable lessons about the power of patience, resilience, and collaborative growth.

The stories captured are a testament to the wisdom of walking alongside communities, of honouring ancestral knowledge, and of believing in the transformative power of curiosity. As we look toward future seasons, we carry forward the nutrients of these experiences, knowing that the most meaningful change grows not from what we plant alone, but from what we nurture together.

You've heard our story, it's now time for the world to hear yours.

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